Empowered individuals accessing meaningful opportunities.
1,029,538 Youth
Size of the community served in the 5 regions of Kenya where we work: Garissa, Isiolo, Mandera, Marsabit, and Wajir.
71% Unemployment
The unemployment rate in Garissa and Marsabit is 71% - with male unemployment at 67.8% and female unemployment at 73.4%.
44% Literacy Rate
The literacy rate in Wajir is over 60% among male youth, but only 23.1% among female youth. In Isiolo, it’s 53% for males and 47% for females.
“In March 2020, I saw the business investment and training opportunity and I applied. Fortunately, my business idea was shortlisted, and I was selected for the life skill training opportunity. I then underwent a two-month entrepreneurship training that gave me the knowledge to not only understand the business approach, but how to also brainstorm innovative ideas with income generating capacity.”
— Mohamed, Beneficiary
Projects and Impact
Across Garissa, Isiolo, Mandera, Marsabit, and Wajir, key development priorities include agriculture and livestock development, transportation infrastructure, ICT and industrialization, healthcare, education, water accessibility, energy and environmental conservation, land planning, and economic strategies. However, a collective focus on innovative agricultural practices, sustainable resource management, and improved governance might fortify their developmental strides, fostering enhanced partnerships and innovative solutions to drive comprehensive growth and progress.
“I received $925 in assistance from Shaqodoon Organization, I used the money to pay of my outstanding loans and rent and even invest in my business.”
— Farah, Beneficiary